Are you ready to guide your baby from snuggles to solo settling

with confidence?

Dreamy 😴 Yes Please!
Are you starting to dread sleep time?

Up until now you’ve been happy (or at least tolerating) rocking/bouncing/feeding your little one to sleep, enjoying the cuddles as you feel their little body melt into yours as they drift off.

And while these moments can be magical, they can also feel like the hardest part of your day and fill you with dread as sleep time approaches.

🧡 The pressure of the never-ending to-do list looms over you and you are desperately craving time alone to recharge your own batteries. 

🧡 Your body is actually starting to hurt because your baby is no longer a newborn lightweight.

🧡 Your baby used to transfer from your arms so easily, but now as soon as you go to lower them in the cot their eyes ping open, so settling is taking twice as long.

🧡 You’re dreaming of some time alone so you can catch up on a little life admin, sleep or just chill out. 

🧡 You're going back to work and you don't know how your baby will sleep without you or how you will even function balancing home and work life when you're already exhausted.

🧡 You know something needs to change. But, every time you try to settle your little one in their cot, it ends the same way - both of you in tears - and one of you giving up!

Can you imagine...
  • Putting you baby down in their cot AWAKE and walking out of the room.
  • Enjoying a cup of [insert drink of choice] and a warm meal with your partner, or a moment of peace while your little one puts themselves to sleep.
  • Knowing that once your baby is asleep they'll stay asleep because you're not trying to transfer a ticking time bomb [I mean sleeping baby].
  • Being able to leave the house and have other care givers easily take over nap/bed time.

If this sounds like a dream, I want you to know that it’s 100% possible for you. And I know that, because I’ve been exactly where you are now and have created proven strategies to help you make this a reality.

Introducing Successful Settling Suite!
If you're ready for more freedom


I've travelled this road (4 times) and helped hundreds of families achieve what they believed was the unachievable!

Your baby's ability to self settle isn't a pipe-dream. It can be your reality.

I have harnessed the settling strategies that I have used time and time again - with success - and bottled them up in this affordable bundle just for you.

Don't spend hundreds 💸 on complicated sleep programs when you know you're just going to skip straight to the settling section.

Successful Settling Suite cuts out the fluff (cause let's face it, you already follow all the sleep accounts and know all the basics), and gets straight to the topic of settling.

Get Instant Access for just $27AUD
Are you ready to take settling from STRESSFUL to SUCCESSFUL, but have no idea where to start?

I'm spilling the industry secrets!

Successful Settling Suite brings together proven methods to help you guide your little one from snuggles to solo settling!
So, what is Successful Settling Suite?

Successful Settling Suite is a complete collection of settling methods designed to teach your baby how to self-settle.

You know the benefits of teaching your little one independent sleep skills, but no-one tells you *how*!

With this little gem in your back pocket, you’ll have…

  • A step by step plan that walks you through popping your baby down in their cot AWAKE and guiding them to fall asleep on their own.
  • A choice of multiple methods so you don't feel like you are compromising on your parenting style.
  • Confidence in your baby's ability to settle independently.

No more struggling. No more worrying. No more confusion.

Here's what you get...
Digital Product

Successful Settling Suite


You'll gain instant access to these resources;

  •  Understanding the foundations of sleep.
  • 7 settling methods to teach your baby how to self-settle that are suitable from the newborn months up to pre-schoolers. There are options to suit most parenting styles. Want to stay in the room with your baby? No worries! Want quicker results? Not a problem! We've got you covered 🙌🏼
  • A couple of sneaky variations so you can really personalise the method you choose.
  • Video examples of settling in the cot.
  • DIY sleep training plan using the same winning formula I use when working with families 1:1; covering naps, bedtime, night weaning, early rising, and troubleshooting.
Yep! I need this NOW
Get started with Successful Settling Suite today!
Your days of needing to rock, bounce, feed your baby to sleep are over.
  • Understanding the foundations of sleep.
  • 7 proven responsive settling techniques suitable from the newborn months through to  pre-schooler (including gentle in-room and out-of-room methods) - [no CIO] - Including detailed step-by-step instructions.
  • 2 sleep training variations so you can personalise your methods.
  • Video examples of settling in the cot.
  • DIY sleep training plan using the same winning formula I use when working with families 1:1; covering naps, bedtime, night weaning, early rising, and troubleshooting.
  • Life-time access!
Purchase today and you'll also get access to these FREE bonuses...
  • GET THE SCOOP ON DUMMIES/PACIFIERS -  When to keep them, when to ditch them and did somebody call the Dummy Fairy?!
  • SLEEP TRAINER CLOCKS - add this to your toddler toolkit
Successful Settling Suite Guarantee
I'm behind you 100%!

These strategies are designed to give you the tools you need to teach your little one how to self-settle.

I believe in these solutions so much that I am offering you a money back guarantee.

If you're not happy with what you get, you can request your money back within 14 days of purchase - no questions asked.


I'm Caroline.


Mother to 4 beautiful souls and internationally certified infant/child sleep consultant.

I am you!

I am right here in the thick of early parenting.

I have been the confused first time mum. Heck, I was still a bit confused the second and third time around.

I have travelled to the depths of sleep deprivation with a sleepless baby, BUT... I've also come out the other side a little wiser ( and a lot better rested 😴).

I'm not here to show you perfection.

Striving for perfection is setting yourself up to fail.

I'll show you SUSTAINABLE! 

That is the secret for a happy baby (and mummy)!

Does this sound like you?

  • Tired of sitting in a dark room for hours on end settling your baby.
  • Feeling completely touched out and just need a break.
  • Worrying that what you are doing is no longer sustainable  and you need something to change NOW!
If any of these sounds like you, keep reading, because you’re exactly where you need to be.
I've answered the question of "how do I put my baby down awake?"
Are you ready for more "me time"?

If you're ready, why wait?

Imagine being able to put your baby down in their cot awake, walking out of the room and them putting themselves to sleep - with ease.

No more hours spent rocking/bouncing/feeding in a dark room. 

This is the reality for hundreds of families who have already used the methods in the Successful Settling Suite.

Are you ready to see what your baby is capable of?

Frequently asked questions
Get Successful Settling Suite today!
  • Understanding the foundations of sleep.
  • 7 proven responsive settling techniques suitable from the newborn months through to  pre-schooler (including gentle in-room and out-of-room methods) - [no CIO] - Including detailed step by step instructions.
  • 2 sleep training variations so you can personalise your methods.
  • Video examples of settling in the cot.
  • DIY sleep training plan using the same winning formula I use when working with families 1:1; covering naps, bedtime, night weaning, early rising, and troubleshooting.
  • FREE BONUSES: Extra tips and tricks to add to your settling tool belt including dummies/pacifers, sleep trainer clocks, and printables.